Mahatma Gandhiji : Father of our nation ?


       Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948), an anti-imperialist nationalist known for his definition of non violence. A coward guy got barrister degree at age of 22 in 1891 and went on to live in South Africa in 1893 for 21 years. It was in South Africa that this coward guy raised his hands against the existing apartheid system of SA enraged by a train incident. Afterwards, he returned to India in 1915, aged 45 surveyed the subcontinent saw the ground reality of cruel policies of British india, decided to lauch first satyagraha at chamaparan then at other places to prove the power of non-violence. He took the leadership of congress in 1921 and made it more inclusive in nature.

       Above points are just for knowing Gandhiji's intial work as maybe few of us doesn't aware about it. So instead of talking about factual information regarding him as we all had did this in our school days, We'll try to prove many allegations those consider him only a puppet of religion and a myopic as wrong by considering his high morals and his significant contributions. 

  • We often heard and make laugh about what had our bappu did? (Only work for putting his photo to indian currency). What his theory of non-violence did -it is there to make indians weaker and helpless.               
               most of the time we missed the most important quality that every leader possessed (i.e. to take everyone along) this exactly what Ghandhiji did by propagating the message of non-violence so that every weak to weak person can participate and fight for the freedom. His approach was always had been bottom to top as that time rural population and dependency on agriculture was huge. And One important thing is agitation in non-violence way will not voilate any law which doesn't lead to direct arrest OK agreed that many prolific leaders got also arreated inspite of thier non-violence moment but try to compare with those leaders who got arrested whenever the agitation went violent.

  • He was the one who held responsible for Indian partioned ??
         Gandhiji always dreamt for one and united India this can be assured by considering his steps regarding upholding Harijans and destitute peoples, against seperate electorate (poona pact) as he was well aware about the divide and rule policy of british. He was knew about the ambitions of communists thats why Gandhiji's socialism was spendid and always workable for keeping India united.

  • And most controversial that because of him, bhagat Singh hung in jail by Britishers. 
             Gandhiji had their high moral values. He never ever compromised with his fundamentals of non-violence and salience. But nevertheless in gandhi-irwin pack, he tried to convince irwin on the issue of bhagat singh. Again try to understand that bhagat singh wants to spread his stance on revolution not on non-violence as there was no casualties in assembly hall when he blasted bomb. In his last days he got much influenced by french revolution and by lenin. He said that no matter this bhagat singh will live or not but there would born many such bhagat singh in every households to fight for our motherland. 

 So no matter in what kind of struggle they had indulged themselves, all have only one motive to see our India free from the any colonial power. As a leader ,whatever Gandhiji had require to do he did by making every one aware about cruel colonial powers and giving them the power to strike against their exploitation and participate in agitations in non violent way. In this contemporary world we need to learn the message of maintaining peace and harmony in the world order from Gandhiji's ideology. By going through a violent way, everything will get destroy and nothing else happens. There is no place for greed as you can take the example of climate change what happened when human being greed becomes much more than his needs. 

Best Regards,
Thanks for reading 🙂

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