Tribute To Netaji Subhash Chandra bose |Parakram Diwas| 125th Birth Anniversary

Powerfull people make places more Powerful

A greatest leader of India whose contribution towards independence is unforgettable. Now we are celebrating it as #ParakramDivas .

  • He was twice elected President of the Indian National Congress, (1938-Haripur and 1939-Tripuri).
  • Owing to political differences, he resigned from the Congress Presidentship in 1939 and organised the All India Forward Bloc a faction within the Congress in Bengal.
  • Netaji had cleared the Indian Civil Services (ICS) held in England meritoriously with a rank of 4! But naturally, he did not join and serve a government which he loathed and instead went on to become a legend in the Indian freedom struggle.
  • Sometimes he's reffered as 'Gumnami Baba' aroses due to their Death Controversy.
  • On October 21, 1943, Bose proclaimed the establishment of a provisional independent Indian government, and his so-called Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj), alongside Japanese troops, advanced to Rangoon (Yangon) and thence overland into India, reaching Indian soil on March 18, 1944, and moving into Kohima and the plains of Imphal.
  • You will be surprised to know when partition of was going on,mahatma said if they were my subash alive then this couldn't be Happened.
Here are some quotes by Netaji :
  • It is blood alone that can pay the price of freedom.
  • Give me blood and I will give you freedom.
  • Freedom is not given. It is taken.
  • No real change in history has been achieved by discussions.
  • We should have but one desire today. The desire to die so that India might live.
  • Men, money, and materials cannot by themselves bring victory or freedom.
  • We must have the motive-power that will inspire us to do brave deeds and heroic exploits.
  • Life loses half its interest if there is no struggle- if there are no risks taken.
  • One individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives.
  • It is our duty to pay for our liberty with our own blood.
  • The secret of political bargaining is to look more strong than what you really are.
  • It does not matter who among us will live to see India free.
  • It is enough that India shall be free and that we shall give our all to make her free.
  • Never lose your faith in the destiny of India. There is no power on Earth which can keep India in bondage.

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